Design, engineering and technology

Starter an Plenary activities for Electronics, Systems and Control
A fun, no preparation required resource for Design and Technology. These A5 activities make great starters and plenaries as well as a means of checking progress made during a lesson. Once completed they can be stuck into the student's book for future reference. Lots more are available, just click onto my shop.

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Ohms Law
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on Ohms law and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Common Electronic Components
Quick activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on common electronic components and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun.

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Resistor Colour Codes
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on Resistor Colour Codes and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - The Thyristor
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on the Thyristor and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - The Transistor
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on the Transistor and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Transistor Structure and Operation
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on Transistor structure and operation and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Series and Parallel Resistors
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on series and parallel resistors and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Electronic Notation
Quick activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on Electronic Notation and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - PCB Manufacture
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on PCB Manufacture and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - PCB Step by Step Manufacture
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on PCB Manufacture and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - The Potential Divider
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on the Potential Divider and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Current and Voltage
Quick activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range will soon be available, this one focuses on voltage and current and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun.

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Electronic Keywords
Quick activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on Electronic keywords and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Lesson Starters for Electronics and Systems and Control - Potential Divider Sensing
Quick no preparation needed activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available, this one focuses on sensing with the Potential Divider and has the answers supplied. Also useful for checking progress during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun

Health and Safety Starters for Design and Technology includes AfL
Seven fun starter, plenary activities for use in Design and Technology. Students label the diagrams and identify the hazards and control measures. Also useful for showing progress made following a demonstration or other learning activity. Includes a blank template for students to create their own starter for use by the group.

Starter and Plenary activities for Mechanisms
Seven fun starter and plenary activities based around mechanisms for use in Design and Technology. Also useful for formative assessment, showing progress made following a demonstration or other learning activity. Sheets can be stuck into books for future reference.

Lesson Starter and Plenary Activities for Electronics and Systems and Control
14 Quick, no preparation needed, activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and plenaries. A wide range are available and the answers are included. Also useful for checking progress, AfL, during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun.

Lesson Starter and Exit Ticket Activities for Electronics
14 Quick, no preparation needed, activities based around electronic theory for use as lesson starters and exit tickets. A wide range are available and the answers are included. Also useful for formative assessment, checking progress and understanding during a lesson or part of a lesson and of course having a bit of fun.